This decoder can convert a PXL 2000 video signal from either a wav file or line-in to digital video. In theory, you may be able to recover signal from tapes that no longer play in a PXL 2000 camcorder (with proper boost/compression).
- can decode from line-in or wav file
- shows preview of decoded video
- brightness/contrast control
- speed control
- sync controls
- converts video signal to png frames
- resamples audio to normal speed
- creates a sample avconv script (with calculated fps) that will create a video file
- saves time code of each frame
- offers both GUI and command line modes
- Java JDK 6+ to compile, and
- You'll need something like avconv or ffmpeg to merge the decoded png's and audio to a video format.
- If you use a wav file, the decoder is currently tuned for stereo 16-bit audio sampled at 192khtz.