Sunday, December 21, 2014

Create Postage Stamp Window Border Theme in XFCE

I noticed that XFCE window themes allow transparent (color: None), so I thought it would be funny to create a postage stamp window border.  This was tested on Xubuntu 14.04

# The theme is based on greybird.  Copy the theme to a new one called 'bumpy'

cd /usr/share/themes/

sudo cp -r Greybird bumpy

cd bumpy/xfwm4/

# then update the border files

sudo vi left-active.xpm

/* XPM */
static char * left_active_xpm[] = {
"8 24 3 1",
"  c None",
". c #cecece",
"x c #939393",
" x......",
"  x.....",
"   x....",
"   x....",
"  x.....",
" x......",
" x......",
"  x.....",
"   x....",
"   x....",
"  x.....",
" x......",
" x......",
"  x.....",
"   x....",
"   x....",
"  x.....",
" x......",

sudo vi bottom-active.xpm

/* XPM */
static char * left_active_xpm[] = {
"23 8 3 1",
"  c None",
". c #cecece",
"x c #939393",
"..x  x....x  x....x  x..",
".x    x..x    x..x    x.",
"x      xx      xx      x",

sudo vi right-active.xpm

/* XPM */
static char * left_active_xpm[] = {
"8 24 3 1",
"  c None",
". c #cecece",
"x c #939393",
"......x ",
".....x  ",
"....x   ",
"....x   ",
".....x  ",
"......x ",
"......x ",
".....x  ",
"....x   ",
"....x   ",
".....x  ",
"......x ",
"......x ",
".....x  ",
"....x   ",
"....x   ",
".....x  ",
"......x ",

sudo vi bottom-left-active.xpm 

/* XPM */
static char * left_active_xpm[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
"  c None",
". c #cecece",
"x c #939393",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",
"xxxxxxxx        ",

sudo vi bottom-right-active.xpm

/* XPM */
static char * left_active_xpm[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
"  c None",
". c #cecece",
"x c #939393",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",
"        xxxxxxxx",

Now, your windows have postage stamp borders:

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