Friday, October 23, 2009

Redman origami puppet (with moving eyes, mouth)

This is another paper origami puppet I designed. I wanted something a little more human looking. What's funny about this one, the eyes blink, and the mouth can be pulled open (straight up/down).

Really, it's not a whole lot different from the previous design. I use the same base fold for creating the eyes ... but instead of making inset sockets, I used diagonal folds for outward eyelids. The nose is basically just the top-half of another eye-socket (from the previous design), and the mouth a long eye-socket. It's just a bunch of eyes. :)

With raised check bones he kinda reminds me of Clint Eastwood.


  1. cool! he does look human. he also looks like a tiki.

  2. Yeah, they all have a strange tiki quality to them. :)

  3. Actually a tiki sculpture is a cool idea. I could make the face on a cylinder (the side edges would interweave). And it could have several faces in a row, stacked on top of each other.

  4. like a totem? That would be cool!

  5. Hi, I was hoping you might be able to send me some instructions on how you made the origami head, I would really like to attempt to make it.
